Practical Prepping Blog

Active Shooter - React to and Break Contact

Active Shooter - React to and Break Contact

Responding to an active threat (shooter) will vary based upon the attention of the threat, your readiness, and your carry status (whether or not you have a firearm and if it's open or concealed carried). In the event a threat is actively engaging targets, you must take action. RUN, HIDE, FIGHT. There are endless scenarios and possible outcomes but in this "react to contact" drill we'll highlight the 4 best courses of action (COAs) for the below scenario. Keep in mind this is a generalized threat response and it can be applied to multiple scenarios.


For more lessons on an array of Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures; subscribe to the Grayman Briefing.

Divergent Urban Land Navigation and Water-Based Bugout Options

Divergent Urban Land Navigation and Water-Based Bugout Options

Divergent (outside-the-box) thinking can provide helpful insight when you're lost and traditional navigation assets are unavailable. While each city and state varies, these basic rules of thumb can help you gain orientation. Consider the direction a church or satellite face. Know why pedestrians travel in certain directions during specific times of the day. Here's why that's important.

Situation Awareness for Home Security and Counter Surveillance

Situation Awareness for Home Security and Counter Surveillance

Observe signs that reveal your house or neighborhood are under surveillance. Here are 6 cues that might mean you're a target.

SCAME - Analysis of Information Warfare Source Enemy

SCAME - Analysis of Information Warfare Source Enemy

Recognize disinformation and propaganda by determining the Source, message Content, Audience reached, Medium of dissemination, and the Effects on a Target Audience (TA). This 5 part analysis is known as the SCAME Technique.

Field Expedient Entry and Egress Keys - Access Tools

Field Expedient Entry and Egress Keys - Access Tools

When a Life Altering Event (LAE) occurs, unlikely resources will still be available in a city landscape but may require unique tools (keys) to access. These tools are readily available online now so don't wait for an LAE. Think ahead. Prepare now. Grab a few of these keys as you see relevant to your planning process.

PMESII-PT Operational Environment Area Study

PMESII-PT Operational Environment Area Study

Understanding the Operational Environment can help us to blend-in, recognize harmful actors (thus deterring or avoiding them), travel safely/efficiently, find resources, and identify allies. PMESII-PT is a technique that analyzes 8 mutually connected operational variables IOT holistically comprehend the asymmetric Operational Environment (OE).

Heart Rate Variability and Relation to Threat Response via Situational Awareness

Heart Rate Variability and Relation to Threat Response via Situational Awareness

A high variation in your heart rate when you’re at rest can increase your reaction speed and mental abilities to engage a life threatening event such as drawing, getting on target, and stopping an active shooter. There are 8 things you can do today that may save your life tomorrow.

First let’s give a reminder on the Cooper’s Color Code. It all relat...

Fifth Generation Warfare - How we have already entered an ambiguous WWIII

Fifth Generation Warfare - How we have already entered an ambiguous WWIII

5GW, or Fifth Generation Warfare, is the emerging threat to global stability. It's a tactic already employed by US adversaries that has placed us into a 3rd World War. Let's discuss prior types of warfare fir...

The Six Tenets of Survival for Preppers

The Six Tenets of Survival for Preppers

The Pyramid of Survival may only be Water, Food, Shelter but when you incorporate the Prepping Mindset we add the support of three other aspects. These are Hygiene, Communications, and Security. A visual representation can help you prioritize your prepping so that when a Life Altering Event (LAE) occurs, survival will be simplified.

Juice Jacking - A hacker's tool to stealing your data when you charge your phone.

Juice Jacking - A hacker's tool to stealing your data when you charge your phone.

Charging your phone in public makes you vulnerable to Juice Jacking, the transfer of data where your PII, credit card info, and passwords can be stolen; or you can be infected with malware.

If you plan on charging your device from a public USB port or computer then you need to block the data transfer. The other option is to carry the large AC adaptor but if you're like me, you like to EDC light or you may forget the AC adaptor. You need to get a condom, a digital cond...

An introduction to living off the grid.

An introduction to living off the grid.

Whether you’re taking a break from society for a month or for an indefinite time, going off the grid for an extended period of time requires thorough planning and preparation.

There can be several reasons as to why someone may want to stay away from civilization. But whatever reason it may be, the things you will need to survive out there on your own are pretty much the same.

The Reality of Being the Grayman

The Reality of Being the Grayman

Being gray is simply the act of not standing out in any discernable way to avoid drawing attention to yourself. You can think of it as camouflaging yourself, just not always in the literal sense.

The question is, "Can or should you be gray 24/7"?