Practical Prepping Blog
Food Readiness - Longterm storage and prepping
Cycle stored foods into your meals. Rotate in new shelf stable foods to replace what you've eaten. Spend an extra $5 every grocery trip to go towards sustainability (i.e. 2 cans of spam and a bag of rice). 1. Know the shel...
Prepping Courses, Training, Certifications, and Classes
In order to be better prepared for a life altering event (LAE); training courses, practical exercises, and planning should be conducted. While this is not an exhaustive summary, these topical classes should provide an intermediary introduction to being ready for a worst case scenario.
Navigation without GPS - Contingency Travel and Egress Mapping and Routing
Under certain circumstances, GPS may not be available or reliable, requiring individuals to navigate roads without it. In these situations, it is crucial to have the necessary skills (drills/practice/research) and tools (printed maps) to navigate successfully.
Avoid Government Suspicion Online - Guide for the law abiding citizenship
State and federal agencies routinely monitor online accounts and activity to detect political dissidents. Their targets vary and the degree of surveillance varies dependent upon the party currently in power. Cognizance of what you post and reveal on social media and messaging apps should be practiced to avoid creating a profile that could be considered extremist or oppositional. The intent is not to aid criminals in avoidance of detection but instead to assist law abiding citizens who may be a target of politically motivated government overreach.
Collection of Intel, Alerts, and Advisories for Situational Awareness on News and Happenings
To avoid developing civil unrest rest, be aware of changes to laws governing firearms/self-defense, and maintain readiness to navigational challenges (road closures, crashes, etc); follow multiple mediums and establish contacts to ensure you're receiving real-time information on local events and developments.
Tourniquet Staging and Preparedness for Trauma
Keep a tourniquet (TQ) easily accessible and always stage one on-body when carrying a firearm. Stage it for quick application. This means; attached it (ankle, hip, fanny pack, etc) ony your person in the same place each time your wear it so it increases "muscle memory" allowing you to grab it and deploy with little complex thought (because when a TQ is needed there will already be much to process).
Building an Offgrid Setup - Just the Basics
Building an location that is off the grid but functional requires minimal to complex preparation depending upon the intent of the location. It could be built as a weekend camping getaway or a self-sufficient homestead. Vary your plan based on your needs. Below are some considerations with advised options.
Bugging Out via Vehicle - A Bugout Vehicle Guide
Assess the need to bugout or shelter-in-place. Make a coordinated plan that includes incorporation of other members of your team, designation of bugout locations & rally points, and multiple safe routes.
Take precautions and conduct preventive steps to ensure your vehicle is always ready. Understand the importance of vehicular defense/security and evasive driving. Blend in and maintain a low-profile appearance.
Practicing divergent tactics and improvising will provide an advantage in the event of an LAE.
Select a BOV that is appropriate for your needs using our Categorical Setup analysis. Loadout the BOV with the necessary equipment and supplies following the Vehicle Emergency Checklist.
Take precautions and conduct preventive steps to ensure your vehicle is always ready. Understand the importance of vehicular defense/security and evasive driving. Blend in and maintain a low-profile appearance.
Practicing divergent tactics and improvising will provide an advantage in the event of an LAE.
Select a BOV that is appropriate for your needs using our Categorical Setup analysis. Loadout the BOV with the necessary equipment and supplies following the Vehicle Emergency Checklist.
Knife Selection using CLASS - Capability, Legality Access, Size, Speed.
Being prepared often means having the right tools. A prepper should be mentally/physically prepared and also have the mindset to ensure they're carrying essentials in the event of an emergency, or if a task arises that would require a specific tool.
A knife is one of the most basic self defense tools one can Everyday Carry (EDC). It's also a useful daily tools for basic and urgent tasks.
When selecting a bladed weapon do so with Class; Capability, Legality Access, Size, Speed. (CLASS)
Rainwater Harvesting - Rules, Regulations, and Restrictions by state.
This is a composition of laws, regulations, and restrictions on citizens' ability to collect and store rainwater for gardening, irrigation, and consumption. A state by state guide.
Preparedness using a Weather Radio
Buy an NOAA radio and know how to tune to the "Weather Channel". Use radio to stay in the know and informed of emergencies and weather impacting your region. If not...
Offgrid Solar Setup - A simple primer on how to DIY
We'll keep this concise and skip right to the guide. Enjoy! Make sure you join our Blog Newsletter here.
Obtain equipment and supplies to build a s...