Practical Prepping Blog

Divergent Urban Land Navigation and Water-Based Bugout Options

Divergent Urban Land Navigation and Water-Based Bugout Options

Divergent (outside-the-box) thinking can provide helpful insight when you're lost and traditional navigation assets are unavailable. While each city and state varies, these basic rules of thumb can help you gain orientation. Consider the direction a church or satellite face. Know why pedestrians travel in certain directions during specific times of the day. Here's why that's important.

Field Expedient Entry and Egress Keys - Access Tools

Field Expedient Entry and Egress Keys - Access Tools

When a Life Altering Event (LAE) occurs, unlikely resources will still be available in a city landscape but may require unique tools (keys) to access. These tools are readily available online now so don't wait for an LAE. Think ahead. Prepare now. Grab a few of these keys as you see relevant to your planning process.

The Reality of Being the Grayman

The Reality of Being the Grayman

Being gray is simply the act of not standing out in any discernable way to avoid drawing attention to yourself. You can think of it as camouflaging yourself, just not always in the literal sense.

The question is, "Can or should you be gray 24/7"?

12 Urban Survival Takeaways learned from the Homeless.

12 Urban Survival Takeaways learned from the Homeless.

Implement homeless living tactics for urban survival. They know how to work the system to their advantage, they know how to stay warm or find shelter, they know where to scavenge food or collect handouts, they know how to disappear, they can cohabitate among any strife. Learn from them. Here's are some common practices you can incorporate into an #urbansurvival scenario that may leave you on the streets.

When to apply Grayman Practices.

The practice of being gray can be utilized at any time but its application is more relevant in times of uncertainty. We can use gray tactics when going...

Financial Prepping for a Mugging and Pickpocket while Traveling

Financial Prepping for a Mugging and Pickpocket while Traveling

If you're traveling abroad (or just out of town) how would you survive an event where your ID, credit/debit cards, money, keys, etc where all lost ...

Doxxing - Grayman Solutions to an OPSEC Nightmare

Doxxing - Grayman Solutions to an OPSEC Nightmare

Your option to be Gray may be a necessity due to your job. Think offduty law enforcement or a defense attorney or a school principal. As such; the current climate, a criminal unhappy with the results of a case, or a student looking for revenge could be a threat if they know where you live or how to effect your life. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) can be leaked by doxxer unless your take these 6 steps. The first is mak...

Survive a Spontaneous Riot

Survive a Spontaneous Riot

What happens when we find ourselves in the middle of a spontaneous #protest or #riot? Or whay if we have to travel thru one to escapento safety? How should we react, what should we do, what options do we have, and how can #grayman #tactics apply? Let's take a little bit of time to ...

Applying the Grayman Technique to your EDC

Applying the Grayman Technique to your EDC

  • Your Everyday Carry loadout shouldn’t make you stick out, or become a target. You want to blend in but be the most prepared mental and physically. Practice the Grayman Principle by controlling your actions and the way you display yourself to the public. Here's what you need to know...
  • ✔Wear nondescript clothing (non-tactical backpack). Wear what everyone else in the area does.
  • ✔Hide distinguishable features such as a particular scent, walking with a gait, long bangs in front of eyes, tattoo on the forehead, etc.
  • ✔Conceal nonverb...
  • Vehicle Self Defense - 9 Tips for deterring muggings, car hijackings, motor vehicle theft.

    Vehicle Self Defense - 9 Tips for deterring muggings, car hijackings, motor vehicle theft.

    Prevent carjackings, muggings, kidnapping, and you get the idea; by simply locking your car door. Here are 9 tips...

    Criminals lay in wait for a victim often at gas stations, parking lots, or even stop lights. An easy target is one who is preoccupied and lacking situational awareness. Maybe you are adjusting your radio, reaching for your phone charger, or passing a tot back to your kid. Sometimes our eyes may not be on approaching threats. So keep your... Read More