Practical Prepping Blog

Smartphones for Survival Scenarios and Covert Operations

Smartphones for Survival Scenarios and Covert Operations

A phone is a powerful tool and most folks only think of them as helpful if you have cellular coverage or WiFi but in reality, 90% of it's capabilities can work without internet or data. I wanted to highlight an excerpt from our Smartphone for SHTF Prepping guide and discuss some of the survival themed uses. However; first I wanted to share this step by step method for converting any phone (or a new phone) into a burner phone. You know, an untraceable means of communications. This could be used by those in fear of a domestic retaliation from an ex-spouse, someone in Witness Protection, Agents in high risk investigations with Criminal Informants, or for the Grayman in all of us. Let's Dive in...

Offgrid Cabin Security

Offgrid Cabin Security

PRIMITIVE PERIMETER SECURITY IS A MUST. Rigged up an early alert trip wire system to trigger an audible alarm from one of those key fob devices. Th...

Bugout and Homestead Location Considerations for SHTF

Bugout and Homestead Location Considerations for SHTF

Below are some talking points for things to keep in mind when selecting a bugout location or determining if your current homestead can be a viable shelter in place alternative to bugging out. The most important consideration is having a...

Antibiotics for SHTF

Antibiotics for SHTF

When SHTF a simple fever and infection could become life or death without treatment. We've outlined 4 meds you need to stockpile now and know how and where to scavenge post SHTF. Penicillin can be stored after expiration date for...

5 Urban Navigation Tips for Offgrid SHTF Scenarios

5 Urban Navigation Tips for Offgrid SHTF Scenarios

These tips can help during SHTF, GPS/phone failure, blackouts while travelling, etc. Before I go further, pro-tip: always carry a physical map in your #bugoutbag or #bugoutvehicle. ⁣The first tip I suggest is understanding how the DOT and Streets Department labels and grids the roads as it...

Scavenging vs Looting when SHTF

Scavenging vs Looting when SHTF

When SHTF you'll need to resupply. We don't recommend looting or marauding but scavenging may be an ethically and efficent alternative. Now here's ...

Applying the Grayman Technique to your EDC

Applying the Grayman Technique to your EDC

  • Your Everyday Carry loadout shouldn’t make you stick out, or become a target. You want to blend in but be the most prepared mental and physically. Practice the Grayman Principle by controlling your actions and the way you display yourself to the public. Here's what you need to know...
  • ✔Wear nondescript clothing (non-tactical backpack). Wear what everyone else in the area does.
  • ✔Hide distinguishable features such as a particular scent, walking with a gait, long bangs in front of eyes, tattoo on the forehead, etc.
  • ✔Conceal nonverb...
  • Vehicle Self Defense - 9 Tips for deterring muggings, car hijackings, motor vehicle theft.

    Vehicle Self Defense - 9 Tips for deterring muggings, car hijackings, motor vehicle theft.

    Prevent carjackings, muggings, kidnapping, and you get the idea; by simply locking your car door. Here are 9 tips...

    Criminals lay in wait for a victim often at gas stations, parking lots, or even stop lights. An easy target is one who is preoccupied and lacking situational awareness. Maybe you are adjusting your radio, reaching for your phone charger, or passing a tot back to your kid. Sometimes our eyes may not be on approaching threats. So keep your... Read More

    Bartering post SHTF

    Bartering post SHTF

    Here are 8 tips to consider when bartering for survival in a SHTF scenario. 

    10 Indicators of Impending SHTF

    10 Indicators of Impending SHTF

    We've composed 10 signs of impending disaster. Some deal with natural occurring events and others with man made causes of SHTF. Knowing these indicators will help you react before the masses and avoid rioting, being stuff in traffic during an evacuation, and defend from what's coming.

    5 Bugout Tips for a SHTF Citywide Evacuation.

    5 Bugout Tips for a SHTF Citywide Evacuation.

    5 steps to bugging out before a state mandated evacuation following a SHTF scenario.

    Satellite Phones for SHTF

    📻Comms Offgrid, having alternative means of communication is key. Here's our take on using #satellitephones⁣