Practical Prepping Blog

Securing & Concealing Defensive/Survival Implements on-body, in vehicle, etc.

Securing & Concealing Defensive/Survival Implements on-body, in vehicle, etc.

Securing and concealing your valuables, defensive tools, and preparedness gear will aid in ensuring they are there when you need them while not making you a target or victim of theft. This practice allows you to be ready for daily tasks, crisis situations, and life altering events. Here are some tips for storage on your person, in your vehicle, a...

Knife Selection using CLASS - Capability, Legality Access, Size, Speed.

Knife Selection using CLASS - Capability, Legality Access, Size, Speed.

Being prepared often means having the right tools. A prepper should be mentally/physically prepared and also have the mindset to ensure they're carrying essentials in the event of an emergency, or if a task arises that would require a specific tool.  

A knife is one of the most basic self defense tools one can Everyday Carry (EDC). It's also a useful daily tools for basic and urgent tasks.

When selecting a bladed weapon do so with Class; Capability, Legality Access, Size, Speed. (CLASS)

Applying the Grayman Technique to your EDC

Applying the Grayman Technique to your EDC

  • Your Everyday Carry loadout shouldn’t make you stick out, or become a target. You want to blend in but be the most prepared mental and physically. Practice the Grayman Principle by controlling your actions and the way you display yourself to the public. Here's what you need to know...
  • ✔Wear nondescript clothing (non-tactical backpack). Wear what everyone else in the area does.
  • ✔Hide distinguishable features such as a particular scent, walking with a gait, long bangs in front of eyes, tattoo on the forehead, etc.
  • ✔Conceal nonverb...