Bartering & Scavenging - Post SHTF Guide to Resupply [PDF]

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Bartering and Scavenging
Trade, Swap, Forage, & Deal post-SHTF


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  • This is a working document. Further tips, guides, and illustrations may be added later.
  • Free lifetime updates to any future versions of the guide.

This guide provides information on how to utilize the art of negotiation and trade to facilitate an exchange of goods between persons and groups. The emphasis is placed on bartering for supplies during a state of civil unrest, systematic breakdown of transportation of goods, shortages,  and post-apocalyptic conditions. Tips will provide insight on what items should be valued/targeted during a trade along which items are expendable (meaning trade them).

The guide will further discuss the opportunities scavenging presents by providing examples of locations to raid, how to transport goods obtained, and where to find value in unexpected areas 

Finally, we'll summarize an array of supply collection methods and provide a list of high value items (HVI) along with a list of perceived HVI that should be traded immediately. 

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF):

  1. Assess Supplies and Sustainment Capabilities. 
  2. Scout Potential Resources and Trade Opportunities. 
  3. Formulate plan of action to meet other Groups for Bartering; or Raid Abandoned location for Scavenging of Items.
  4. Analyze Security Concerns such as Site Selection, Overwatch, Risk vs Rewards, etc.
  5. Discuss outlying options such as marauding, standard purchase, indenturement, foraging, etc.
  6. Utilize included checklist of High Value Items (HVI) and the classification of standard non-essential vs sustainment HVIs.