Practical Prepping Blog

Prepping OPSEC

Prepping OPSEC

Prepping is what will set you apart when SHTF. You'll be the one able to thrive but only if you keep your pre-SHTF prepping routine to yourself.  O...

5 Guns every Prepper should own.

5 Guns every Prepper should own.

Your gun should be one in which you're comfortable and proficient. The threat and scenario you're planning for may dictate the weapon system you choose. Carry a primary and secondary weapon on your person and vehicle. Your handgun should be concealed and your rifle should be in your vehicle if needed. A shotgun...

10 Indicators of Impending SHTF

10 Indicators of Impending SHTF

We've composed 10 signs of impending disaster. Some deal with natural occurring events and others with man made causes of SHTF. Knowing these indicators will help you react before the masses and avoid rioting, being stuff in traffic during an evacuation, and defend from what's coming.

Prepping with the Faraday Cage - Solar Flares, EMPs, Credit Card Skimming, Radiation Protection.

Prepping with the Faraday Cage - Solar Flares, EMPs, Credit Card Skimming, Radiation Protection.

A Faraday Cage and protect you and your valuables. At Superesse we have incorporated this idea into a handkerchief. We use nickle/copper ripstop fabric developed by Faraday Defense. We've borrowed the following information them and wanted to share it with you.